
Our configurations are all namespaced under the OAUTH2_PROVIDER settings with the exception of OAUTH2_PROVIDER_APPLICATION_MODEL, OAUTH2_PROVIDER_ACCESS_TOKEN_MODEL, OAUTH2_PROVIDER_GRANT_MODEL, OAUTH2_PROVIDER_REFRESH_TOKEN_MODEL: this is because of the way Django currently implements swappable models. See issue #90 ( for details.

For example:

    'SCOPES': {
        'read': 'Read scope',
        'write': 'Write scope',

    'CLIENT_ID_GENERATOR_CLASS': 'oauth2_provider.generators.ClientIdGenerator',


A big thank you to the guys from Django REST Framework for inspiring this.

List of available settings


Default: 36000

The number of seconds an access token remains valid. Requesting a protected resource after this duration will fail. Keep this value high enough so clients can cache the token for a reasonable amount of time.


The import string of the class (model) representing your access tokens. Overwrite this value if you wrote your own implementation (subclass of oauth2_provider.models.AccessToken).


Import path of a callable used to generate access tokens. oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.tokens.random_token_generator is (normally) used if not provided.


Default: ["http", "https"]

A list of schemes that the redirect_uri field will be validated against. Setting this to ["https"] only in production is strongly recommended.

For Native Apps the http scheme can be safely used with loopback addresses in the Application ([::1] or In this case the redirect_uri can be configured without explicit port specification, so that the Application accepts randomly assigned ports.

Note that you may override Application.get_allowed_schemes() to set this on a per-application basis.


Default: ["https"]

A list of schemes that the allowed_origins field will be validated against. Setting this to ["https"] only in production is strongly recommended. Adding "http" to the list is considered to be safe only for local development and testing. Note that OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT environment variable should be also set to allow http origins.


The import string of the class (model) representing your applications. Overwrite this value if you wrote your own implementation (subclass of oauth2_provider.models.Application).


Default: 60

The number of seconds an authorization code remains valid. Requesting an access token after this duration will fail. RFC6749 Section 4.1.2 recommends expire after a short lifetime, with 10 minutes (600 seconds) being the maximum acceptable.


The import string of the class responsible for generating client identifiers. These are usually random strings.


The import string of the class responsible for generating client secrets. These are usually random strings.


The length of the generated secrets, in characters. If this value is too low, secrets may become subject to bruteforce guessing.


A dictionary to be passed to oauthlib’s Server class. Three options are natively supported: token_expires_in, token_generator, refresh_token_generator. There’s no extra processing so callables (every one of those three can be a callable) must be passed here directly and classes must be instantiated (callables should accept request as their only argument).


The import string of the class (model) representing your grants. Overwrite this value if you wrote your own implementation (subclass of oauth2_provider.models.Grant).


The import string of the class (model) representing your application admin class. Overwrite this value if you wrote your own implementation (subclass of oauth2_provider.admin.ApplicationAdmin).


The import string of the class (model) representing your access token admin class. Overwrite this value if you wrote your own implementation (subclass of oauth2_provider.admin.AccessTokenAdmin).


The import string of the class (model) representing your grant admin class. Overwrite this value if you wrote your own implementation (subclass of oauth2_provider.admin.GrantAdmin).


The import string of the class (model) representing your refresh token admin class. Overwrite this value if you wrote your own implementation (subclass of oauth2_provider.admin.RefreshTokenAdmin).


The import string for the server_class (or oauthlib.oauth2.Server subclass) used in the OAuthLibMixin that implements OAuth2 grant types. It defaults to oauthlib.oauth2.Server, except when OIDC support is enabled, when the default is oauthlib.openid.Server.


The import string of the oauthlib.oauth2.RequestValidator subclass that validates every step of the OAuth2 process.


The import string for the oauthlib_backend_class used in the OAuthLibMixin, to get a Server instance.


The number of seconds before a refresh token gets removed from the database by the cleartokens management command. Check cleartokens management command for further info. Can be an Int or datetime.timedelta.

NOTE: This value is completely ignored when validating refresh tokens. If you don’t change the validator code and don’t run cleartokens all refresh tokens will last until revoked or the end of time. You should change this.


The number of seconds between when a refresh token is first used when it is expired. The most common case of this for this is native mobile applications that run into issues of network connectivity during the refresh cycle and are unable to complete the full request/response life cycle. Without a grace period the application, the app then has only a consumed refresh token and the only recourse is to have the user re-authenticate. A suggested value, if this is enabled, is 2 minutes.


The import string of the class (model) representing your refresh tokens. Overwrite this value if you wrote your own implementation (subclass of oauth2_provider.models.RefreshToken).


When is set to True (default) a new refresh token is issued to the client when the client refreshes an access token. If False, it will reuse the same refresh token and only update the access token with a new token value. See also: validator’s rotate_refresh_token method can be overridden to make this variable (could be usable with expiring refresh tokens, in particular, so that they are rotated when close to expiration, theoretically).


See ACCESS_TOKEN_GENERATOR. This is the same but for refresh tokens. Defaults to access token generator if not provided.


Can be 'force' or 'auto'. The strategy used to display the authorization form. Refer to Skip authorization form.


New in 0.12.0. The import string for the scopes backend class. Defaults to oauth2_provider.scopes.SettingsScopes, which reads scopes through the settings defined below.



(0.12.0+) Only used if SCOPES_BACKEND_CLASS is set to the SettingsScopes default.

A dictionary mapping each scope name to its human description.



(0.12.0+) Only used if SCOPES_BACKEND_CLASS is set to the SettingsScopes default.

A list of scopes that should be returned by default. This is a subset of the keys of the SCOPES setting. By default this is set to ‘__all__’ meaning that the whole set of SCOPES will be returned.

DEFAULT_SCOPES = ['read', 'write']



(0.12.0+) Only used if SCOPES_BACKEND_CLASS is set to the SettingsScopes default.

The name of the read scope.



(0.12.0+) Only used if SCOPES_BACKEND_CLASS is set to the SettingsScopes default.

The name of the write scope.


When authorization fails due to insufficient scopes include the required scopes in the response. Only applicable when used with Django REST Framework


The introspection endpoint for validating token remotely (RFC7662). This URL requires either an authorization token (RESOURCE_SERVER_AUTH_TOKEN) or HTTP Basic Auth client credentials (RESOURCE_SERVER_INTROSPECTION_CREDENTIALS):


The bearer token to authenticate the introspection request towards the introspection endpoint (RFC7662).


The HTTP Basic Auth Client_ID and Client_Secret to authenticate the introspection request towards the introspect endpoint (RFC7662) as a tuple: (client_id,client_secret).


The number of seconds an authorization token received from the introspection endpoint remains valid. If the expire time of the received token is less than RESOURCE_SERVER_TOKEN_CACHING_SECONDS the expire time will be used.


Default: True

Can be either a bool or a callable that takes a client id and returns a bool.

Whether or not Proof Key for Code Exchange is required.

According to OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice related to the Authorization Code Grant

  • Public clients MUST use PKCE RFC7636

  • For confidential clients, the use of PKCE RFC7636 is RECOMMENDED.


Default: ""

The RSA private key used to sign OIDC ID tokens. If not set, OIDC is disabled.


Default: []

An array of inactive RSA private keys. These keys are not used to sign tokens, but are published in the jwks_uri location.

This is useful for providing a smooth transition during key rotation. OIDC_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY can be replaced, and recently decommissioned keys should be retained in this inactive list.


Default: 3600

The max-age value for the Cache-Control header on jwks_uri.

This enables the verifier to safely cache the JWK Set and not have to re-download the document for every token.


Default: ""

The url of the userinfo endpoint. Used to advertise the location of the endpoint in the OIDC discovery metadata. Changing this does not change the URL that django-oauth-toolkit adds for the userinfo endpoint, so if you change this you must also provide the service at that endpoint.

If unset, the default location is used, eg if django-oauth-toolkit is mounted at /o/, it will be <server-address>/o/userinfo/.


Default: False

When is set to False (default) the OpenID Connect RP-Initiated Logout endpoint is not enabled. OpenID Connect RP-Initiated Logout enables an Client (Relying Party) to request that a Resource Owner (End User) is logged out at the Authorization Server (OpenID Provider).


Default: True

Whether to always prompt the Resource Owner (End User) to confirm a logout requested by a Client (Relying Party). If it is disabled the Resource Owner (End User) will only be prompted if required by the standard.


Default: False

Enable this setting to require https in post logout redirect URIs. http is only allowed when a Client is confidential.


Default: True

Whether expired ID tokens are accepted for RP-Initiated Logout. The Tokens must still be signed by the OP and otherwise valid.


Default: True

Whether to delete the access, refresh and ID tokens of the user that is being logged out. The types of applications for which tokens are deleted can be customized with RPInitiatedLogoutView.token_types_to_delete. The default is to delete the tokens of all applications if this flag is enabled.


Default: ""

The URL of the issuer that is used in the ID token JWT and advertised in the OIDC discovery metadata. Clients use this location to retrieve the OIDC discovery metadata from OIDC_ISS_ENDPOINT + /.well-known/openid-configuration.

If unset, the default location is used, eg if django-oauth-toolkit is mounted at /o, it will be <server-address>/o.



    "id_token token",
    "code token",
    "code id_token",
    "code id_token token",

The response types that are advertised to be supported by this server.


Default: ["public"]

The subject types that are advertised to be supported by this server.


Default: ["client_secret_post", "client_secret_basic"]

The authentication methods that are advertised to be supported by this server.


Default: 10000

The size of delete batches used by cleartokens management command.


Default: 0

Time of sleep in seconds used by cleartokens management command between batch deletions.

Set this to a non-zero value (e.g. 0.1) to add a pause between batch sizes to reduce system load when clearing large batches of expired tokens.

Settings imported from Django project


Used to determine whether or not to make token expire dates timezone aware.